Center for Islamic PluralismCenter for Islamic PluralismCenter for Islamic Pluralism

Writings by Topic: British Muslims

Articles, Reviews, Announcements

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Title Publication Date
On Friedman, Hayek, Chile Financial Times Weekend October 30, 2021
San Francisco Transwoman Requests Asylum in Israel, Backs Bibi CIP/2nd Bektashi Sufi Mission to the West/Institut Boscana May 26, 2021
Brother Jamal is Not Dead! CIP YouTube November 22, 2018
ICTY-The Hague: A Lesson in Modern History OpEdNews November 18, 2018
Jamal Khashoggi CIP October 18, 2018
Who Kills Journalists? OpEdNews October 13, 2018
The Unholy Alliance: Orthodox Christian Imperialism OpEdNews October 2, 2018
'Hajj Hackathon' betrays Saudi confusion Jenny Taylor Media August 31, 2018
John McCain 1936-2108 CIP August 26, 2018
50 Years Since 1968: Looking Back at Kosova Protests Illyria [New York] June 8, 2018
Reform or repression? Saudi's new ruler plays both ways Jenny Taylor Media June 6, 2018
The "Cthulhu Cult" and the Massacre in Santa Fe, Texas, USA The New Criterion May 21, 2018
Contribution to a Bibliography of Anti-Soviet Thought Frontpagemag May 18, 2018
Mueller Releases Indictments, While Our Founder Is Silenced on Anti-Social Media CIP February 16, 2018
Fox News, Twitter Enable Fascist Massacres CIP February 15, 2018
Our Founder and Social Media CIP December 25, 2017
Who is S. Auden Schwartz? The Boston Globe December 6, 2017
Earthly Beauty November 26, 2017
At The Tomb of the Prophet Samuel (Nabi Samwil) CIP November 21, 2017
10 Theses on the Coup in Saudi Arabia CIP November 5, 2017
Against Fascism, CIP Publishes on Muslim Jewish Life CIP October 30, 2017
'Fake News' Regarding Antiquities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia CIP October 24, 2017
We STILL Accuse! CIP September 6, 2017
What Next? After Antifa VOA News September 3, 2017
Greetings for an Antifascist Bajram Illyria [New York] September 1, 2017
'Designating' Antifa a Terrorist Organization Is a Bad Idea National Review August 31, 2017
This Is Our Barcelona Center for Islamic Pluralism August 21, 2017
What you need to know about antifa Jewish Telegraphic Agency August 16, 2017
Why are religious conservatives embracing transgender rights? Transformation -- WHERE LOVE MEETS SOCIAL JUSTICE! August 16, 2017
CIP Executive Director Schwartz on Antifascist Defense -- UPDATE 3 Illyria [New York] August 16, 2017
Virginia Imam Shaker Elsayed Endorses Female Circumcision (FGM): It Prevents Girls from Becoming Hypersexually Active MEMRI June 2, 2017
Assad's Hollow Crown The Rubin Center May 9, 2017
Who are the Sufis and why does ISIS see them as threatening? The April 28, 2017
The Syrian Sarin Attacks of August 2013 and April 2017 The Besa Center April 26, 2017
Replies to Questions About Sufism From A High School Teacher in Columbia, Missouri, USA CIP April 22, 2017
Five Americans Who Are Standing Up Against Radical Islam Clarion Project April 20, 2017
Is It True We Did Not Go To the Moon? April 16, 2017
CIP Greetings on International Day of Solidarity With Working Women March 8, 2017
Are atheists offended when a theist says "I will pray for you," "God help you," etc? February 26, 2017
Which parts of Qur'an touch your heart the most? February 18, 2017
Kerala Muslims Host International Milad Conference CIP January 7, 2017
Muslim cleric banned in Pakistan is preaching in UK mosques The Guardian/The Observer [London] December 17, 2016
Islamic Culture and India CIP December 4, 2016
UK education authorities struggling to crack down on illegal Islamic schools Lapido Media [London] November 23, 2016
The jihadi godfather who is helping buy up New Jersey Lapido Media [London] November 2, 2016
CIP Greetings on the Islamic Ashura and Jewish Yom Kippur Illyria [New York] October 10, 2016
The Cosmopolitan Language of Sufism CIP October 2, 2016
CIP Greetings to Muslims on Kurban Bajram/Eid Al-Adha/Eid Ghorban, Islamic Hijri Year 1437 CIP September 12, 2016
Sufism in India Today The Huffington Post August 9, 2016
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Concept of 'Uboodiya' CIP July 17, 2016
Indian Sufis Call for Liberation of Makkah and Madinah Sufi Voice of India [SUVOI] July 15, 2016
Zakir Naik: More Hype than Hope for Muslims CIP July 15, 2016
Ramadan ends in blood Lapido Media [London] July 13, 2016
Bangladesh Confronts Radical Islam The Weekly Standard Blog July 5, 2016
South Asians everywhere mourn slaying of religious singer Lapido Media [London] June 29, 2016
CIP Ramadan Greetings for 2016 CE, 1437 AH CIP June 7, 2016
Now it's undeniable: Deobandi mosques radicalise Britain's Muslims Lapido Media [London] April 6, 2016
The Significance of Tasawwuf [Sufism] in Light of Contemporary Global Issues Illyria [New York] March 17, 2016
Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan's Vision of Scientific Education CIP February 19, 2016
Saudi Arabia and its links to 'Islamic State' Lapido Media [London] February 12, 2016
Regulation of UK madrassas is acceptable to spiritual and traditional Muslims Lapido Media [London] January 21, 2016
Terror and Radical Islam in India and Pakistan Cafe Dissensus [New York] January 21, 2016
Sufism and Islamic Tradition Defeat Fundamentalism in Kerala, India CIP January 14, 2016
Islamic Tradition and Reform CIP December 30, 2015
CIP 2015 Appeal for End-of-Year Donations CIP December 27, 2015
An Interfaith Example for the Holiday Season The Huffington Post December 21, 2015
Islamic Pluralism and South Asia CIP December 11, 2015
Is the beleaguered Saudi kingdom headed for collapse? Lapido Media [London] October 7, 2015
The Crimes at Palmyra The Huffington Post September 3, 2015
Center for Islamic Pluralism Eid Al-Fitr Greetings, 1436/2015 CIP July 17, 2015
Ramadan in Kerala, India CIP June 18, 2015
Confronting FGM in Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan The Weekly Standard Blog June 17, 2015
The Yezidi Sect: ISIS Targets for Death The Huffington Post June 10, 2015
A Model for Moderate Muslims The Huffington Post May 12, 2015
Center for Islamic Pluralism Greetings to People of the Book on Their Holidays CIP April 3, 2015
Zakir Naik, Radical Islamist Video Evangelist The Huffington Post March 27, 2015
My meeting with Mohammed Emwazi's friend as they sought a radical path The Guardian Online [London] February 28, 2015
'Mosque war' in the UK Lapido Media [London] February 20, 2015
Famous Communists and Islam First Things Blog February 11, 2015
Mecca For Sale First Things February 2015
Schwartz Letter to Financial Times: Long sentences would give jihadis time to reflect Financial Times [London] January 30, 2015
'Learn to Anticipate, Rather Than Reacting to Events' Bedredin Gusic Blog [U.S.] January 23, 2015
Female Genital Mutilation a Growing Problem in Iran The Weekly Standard Blog January 20, 2015
US$3 billion a year to produce extremists O Estado de São Paulo (Brazil) January 18, 2015
'Western countries that accept refugees have the right to require loyalty from them' Voice of America Bosnian Service January 16, 2015
Indian Sufi Condemns Pakistan Massacre Tahreek–e-Tahaffuz-e-Mazarat-e-Auliya Allah December 18, 2014
"Sheikh Google's" Radical Islam Gatestone Institute November 16, 2014
Mecca under threat The Independent [London] November 12, 2014
Ashura In the Shadow of New Terrorism The Huffington Post November 3, 2014
Saudi Wahhabism and ISIS Wahhabism: The Difference The Weekly Standard Blog October 21, 2014
Jews and Muslims Share A Holy Week The Huffington Post October 6, 2014
Saudi overhaul reshapes Islam's holiest city Makkah Gulf News [Dubai] October 3, 2014
On Interfaith Dialogue CIP October 1, 2014
Indian Sufis Welcome Statement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Al-Zawahiri All India Ulema and Mashaikh Board September 20, 2014
Schwartz Letter to Financial Times: "Wahhabism Exists" Financial Times [London] September 3, 2014
Curing Wahhabism, The "Syphilis of Islam" Islamidades [Brazil-México] August 18, 2014
Extreme Wahhabism on Display in Shrine Destruction in Mosul Gatestone Institute August 4, 2014
Schwartz: The Palestinian War is About Politics, Not Religion Koha Ditore [Prishtina, Kosova] August 3, 2014
Sunni Muslims Must Reject ISIS "Caliphate" Gatestone Institute July 20, 2014
Ramadan Amid the New Middle East Crisis The Huffington Post June 27, 2014
UK: How We Want to Stop Radical Islam Gatestone Institute June 24, 2014
Kosova Widens Its International Interfaith Scope The Huffington Post May 27, 2014
Europe's Muslims: Can We Have a Common Template? Illyria [New York] May 24, 2014
Solidarity Against Female Genital Mutilation Gatestone Institute May 7, 2014
CIP Greetings to People of the Book on Their Holidays CIP April 14, 2014
Islamist Terror Challenge Continues in Britain Gatestone Institute March 20, 2014
Greetings to Muslims on Mevlud, 2014 C.E. CIP January 14, 2014
UK Government Crackdown on Muslim Radicals Obstructed by Islamists Gatestone Institute December 18, 2013
Saudi Women Driving – Toward More Reforms? The Weekly Standard Blog October 28, 2013
Eid Al-Adha – Kurban Bayram Greetings A.H. 1434 CIP October 15, 2013
As the Hajj begins, the destruction of Mecca's heritage continues The Guardian Online [London] October 14, 2013
Old Mecca falls, luxury hotels rise The Art Newspaper [London] October 2013
Destroying Islam's Holiest Shrine for Al-Assad? Gatestone Institute August 26, 2013
Bangladesh v. Radical Islam The Weekly Standard Blog August 19, 2013
Eid Al-Fitr – Bayram Greetings A.H. 1434 CIP August 8, 2013
FGM Debate Continues in Muslim Lands Gatestone Institute July 18, 2013
Ramadan Greetings From Islamic Heritage Research Foundation CIP July 10, 2013
Tony Blair, 'The Trouble Within Islam,' and Kumbaya in Kosova The Weekly Standard Blog June 20, 2013
CIP Executive Director Schwartz Speaks on Sufi Self-Defense Hudson Institute June 15, 2013
Kosova Interfaith Conference [.pdf] Illyria [New York] May 28, 2013
What made two gang members turn to jihad on London's streets? The Observer [London] May 26, 2013
Religious persecution can mean political upheaval The Washington Times May 16, 2013
An Appeal to International Organisations Against Attacks and Atrocities At Sacred Sites CIP May 15, 2013
Britain's Feckless, Two-Faced Approach to Radical Islam Gatestone Institute May 8, 2013
Shariah Councils in Britain are 'archaic', 'incompetent' - and increasingly popular Lapido Media [London] April 24, 2013
The Islamic Urbanist Tradition Is in Danger of Going Extinct The Atlantic Online February 22, 2013
Mecca redevelopment sparks heritage concerns CNN February 7, 2013
Greetings for Milad-an-Nabi A.H. 1434 CIP January 23, 2013
Saudis Report Revised Plans for Modernization of Prophet's Mosque in Madinah CIP November 21, 2012
Saudi Arabia to raze Prophet Mohammed's tomb to build larger mosque Russia Today Online [Moscow] October 31, 2012
Medina: Saudis take a bulldozer to Islam's history The Independent [London] October 26, 2012
Hajj and Eid Al-Adha/Bayram Greetings, A.H. 1433 CIP October 25, 2012
Mecca's mega architecture casts shadow over hajj The Guardian Online [London] October 23, 2012
The Legacy of September 11, 2001 CIP September 11, 2012
How Radical Islam Infiltrates Kosova The Weekly Standard Blog August 30, 2012
Wahhabi Vandalism Reaches Timbuktu Gatestone Institute July 12, 2012
Saudi Crown Prince Dies The Weekly Standard Blog June 16, 2012
UK: Radical Megamosque Opposed by Muslims Gatestone Institute June 14, 2012
Top Saudi Cleric: Ban Christian Churches in Arabia Gatestone Institute May 23, 2012
Wahhabi Internal Contradictions as Saudi Arabia Seeks Wider Gulf Leadership The Weekly Standard Blog May 21, 2012
How Powerful is Hafiz Saeed? Folksmagazine [India] April 24, 2012
Pakistan practically an enemy state Toronto Sun April 7, 2012
CIP Greetings to People of the Book, Passover 5772 and Easter 2012 CIP April 6, 2012
Saudi Crown Prince's Medical Visit to the United States The Weekly Standard Blog March 13, 2012
Loudmouth Lunatics on the Loose in Indian Shariah Campaign Folksmagazine [India] February 20, 2012
Radicalization of Young British Muslims Stonegate Institute February 13, 2012
An Indian Revolution in Islamic Law Folksmagazine [India] February 12, 2012
Muslims Honor Birthday of Muhammad – Except in His Birthplace Folksmagazine [India] February 3, 2012
Middle East Conference Against Female Genital Mutilation Stonegate Institute January 31, 2012
The Hajj exhibition is in stark contrast to Saudi Arabia's cultural vandalism The Guardian Online [London] January 27, 2012
Egyptian Islamists Demand "Morals Patrols" Stonegate Institute January 12, 2012
Saudi King's Reform Step vs. Crown Prince's Ambitious Wahhabism The Weekly Standard Blog January 3, 2012
Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia 2011
Zakir Naik: A danger to India and its Muslims Lapido Media [London] December 1, 2011
An Eid Al-Adha Manifesto Folksmagazine [India] November 7, 2011
Saudi Arabia - The Shadow of Prince Nayef Hudson Institute New York October 24, 2011
Indian Muslims Increasing Resistance to Wahhabi Incursion The Weekly Standard Blog October 20, 2011
John L. Esposito: Apologist for Wahhabi Islam American Thinker September 18, 2011
Reflections on Ramadan in Troubled Times, A.H. 1432 Islam Sight [Malappuram, Kerala, India] August 1, 2011
How Many Sufis Are There in Islam? The Huffington Post July 20, 2011
On UK government strategy vs. radical Islam Evening Standard [London] June 10, 2011
Pakistani-American Muslim Clerics and the Taliban Hudson Institute New York May 16, 2011
None the wiser ten years on Lapido Media [London] May 12, 2011
Egyptian Muslim Fundamentalists Attack Sufis The Guardian Online [London] April 11, 2011
Supreme leader of Wahhabism gets royal welcome in India Lapido Media [London] March 24, 2011
Urbanised Islam behind Pakistan's Sufi shrine bombings Lapido Media [London] March 15, 2011
Saudi Arabia and the Spectre of Protest Lapido Media [London] March 3, 2011
Greetings for Milad-an-Nabi, AH 1432 CIP March 1, 2011
The Danger of the Muslim Brotherhood Hudson Institute New York February 11, 2011
A Muslim woman who sacrificed herself, also, for the Jewish cause NewsGram [India] January 21, 2011
Pakistan's morality and moderates after the Taseer murder NewsGram [India] January 14, 2011
From Sweden to Macedonia The Weekly Standard Blog December 14, 2010
From Rehabilitation to Recruitment True North [Ottawa] October 2010
Britain and Pakistan: The Rich Taliban Vs. the Poor Muslim Hudson Institute New York October 15, 2010
Obama, the "Ground Zero Mosque," and the World's Muslims Hudson Institute New York September 8, 2010
Rauf's Radicals The Weekly Standard Blog August 4, 2010
Zakir Naik: "Peace TV" Calls for Terrorism Hudson Institute New York July 2, 2010
G8 must weigh in on 'unwinnable' war Toronto Sun June 26, 2010
Afghanistan-Pakistan: Taliban Clerics Get Worse Hudson Institute New York June 14, 2010
Shariah in the West "New Threats to Freedom," Templeton Press, 2010 May 2010
Pakistan a breeding ground for Islamism Toronto Sun May 8, 2010
The Times Square Bomb and the Pakistan Connection The Weekly Standard Blog May 4, 2010
Muslims in India Hudson Institute New York April 29, 2010
Criticism does not exclude Muslims from the political process The Guardian Online [London] April 3, 2010
Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, 1928-2010 The Guardian Online [London] March 12, 2010
Saudi's Dirty Secrets The Guardian Online [London] March 5, 2010
The Face Veil and Western European Muslims The Weekly Standard Blog February 11, 2010
Identifying Muslim Radicals The Daily Standard December 9, 2009
War Crimes 71 [2] CIP November 4, 2009
War Crimes 71 [1] CIP November 4, 2009
Background to Shahriar Kabir's Film Documentation on Islamist Atrocities in Bangladesh CIP November 4, 2009
SOS Pakistan: What Muslims Know Hudson Institute New York October 27, 2009
The rise of radical, parallel Shariah in Britain CentreRight September 20, 2009
CIP Report: "A Guide to Shariah Law and Islamist Ideology in Western Europe, 2007-2009" CIP May 15, 2009
'71 at SOAS The Daily Star Weekend Magazine [Bangladesh] October 24, 2008
Tablighi Jamaat London megamosque project La Presse [Montreal] October 15, 2008
Our survey shows British Muslims don't want sharia The Spectator [London] July 9, 2008
Multiculturalism Run Amok The Daily Standard July 9, 2008
'We don't need this Olympics mosque' Evening Standard [London] March 4, 2008
Sharia Comes for the Archbishop The Weekly Standard February 25, 2008
Sharia Promotes Disunity Neue Zürcher Zeitung [Switzerland] February 13, 2008
Muslim group behind 'mega-mosque' seeks to convert all Britain The Times [London] September 10, 2007
Now for the Mega Mosque Australian Broadcasting Corp. August 22, 2007
For the Islamist doctor, terror is healing The Spectator [London] July 7, 2007
Target UK The Daily Standard July 1, 2007
London Plot - N.Y.C. Plotter New York Post May 2, 2007
The PBS Controversy and Charles Le Gai Eaton Family Security Matters April 15, 2007
Reading and Writing and Ramadan The Weekly Standard March 12, 2007
Canada is Different, Even In Its Muslims Family Security Matters February 14, 2007
Ken's Mega-Mosque Will Encourage Extremism The Spectator [London] January 6, 2007
Mega-Mosque Plans Could Make London "Muslim Capital of Europe" CBN Worldwatch January 5, 2007
Mosque will be terror threat Dockland News [London] December 6, 2006
The Economist and Euro-Islam The Daily Standard October 17, 2006
Official Myopia The Daily Standard September 6, 2006
The Origins of British Jihad The Daily Standard August 31, 2006
Consorting With the Enemy Family Security Matters August 30, 2006
A Threat to the World The Spectator [London] August 17, 2006
Don't LET Up The Daily Standard August 10, 2006
Euro-Islam: The Dynamics of Effective Integration Woodrow Wilson International Center [Washington, DC] June 21, 2006
Radical Roadshow The Daily Standard January 31, 2006
July 21 Bombing Suspects in Custody Fox News: Fox and Friends July 31, 2005
Sobering messages for Americans The Daytona Beach News-Journal July 24, 2005
London: The Pakistani Connection The Daily Standard July 13, 2005
London: It's Still the Saudis New York Post July 9, 2005
In the Shadow of London CIP July 8, 2005
The Worst of Cat Stevens The Daily Standard September 24, 2004
Is Cat Stevens a Terrorist? The Daily Standard September 22, 2004
CLASSIC CIP: Wahhabi Strain of Islam Faulted The Washington Post June 27, 2003


Book Title Publication Date
Prayer in Islamic Thought and Practice
by Marion Holmes Katz
Middle East Quarterly Winter 2015
Mecca: The Sacred City
by Ziauddin Sardar
The Weekly Standard October 20, 2014
Sufis in Western Society: Global Networking and Locality
by Edited by Ron Geaves, Markus Dressler, and Gritt Klinkhammer.
Middle East Quarterly Fall 2011


Title Publication Date
CIP 2013 Appeal For End-of-Year Donations Announcement December 30, 2013
Latest Documentary by Shahriar Kabir on "The Ultimate Jihad" Announcement December 6, 2013
POSTPONED CIP Executive Director Schwartz Washington, DC Event Announcement February 21, 2013
CIP Publishes Revised Shariah Report on Kindle Announcement January 23, 2013
Bin Laden Killed in Pakistan Announcement May 1, 2011
From Rehabilitation to Recruitment Announcement October 2010
Eid-al-Fitr, A.H. 1431, and The People of the Book Announcement September 8, 2010
Woodrow Wilson Center To Hold Conference on Europe and Islam Announcement June 23, 2010
On Sufism and Wahhabism Announcement May 4, 2010
Condensation of 2009 CIP Euro-Shariah Report Published Announcement September 24, 2009
Ramadan, A.H. 1430 Announcement August 20, 2009

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